Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry


Teaching happens primarily through the communication and prayerful application of God’s Word. Effective women’s ministry builds up generations of women who study and pass on the Scriptures.

We have ladies meeting on select Saturdays at 7:30pm at believers homes. Our objectives for the ladies meetings are:

· To serve God and minister to His people.

· To provide an opportunity for ladies in the church to fellowship with one another.

· To study the Word of God and grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ

· To spend time in prayer for different needs and problems

Wondering what you can expect by joining us?

· In the Ladies meeting you will get to enjoy fellowship with members of the same faith. Also, all of us constantly encourage each other as we learn God’s word and practice it while exploring the various avenues for service.

· The fellowship’s great and the opportunities to learn God’s word and grow in faith are really precious
